Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Through the Trees

Once upon I time I worked nearly exclusively in pastel (really. . .just look at the posts from 2004 and 2005; they cover a 15 year period).  Then for whatever reason, I stopped.  Now part of it is due to watercolor being more portable.  However, after playing around with my beloved Unison's this weekend, I caught the bug again.

Its a bit rough but it is a very good start.

                                      Pastel on Mi-Tientes paper 9x12


  1. Love the dreaminess evoked by pastels. So pretty, like a soft skin of time and recollection has overlaid it, particularly those two trees in the background.

  2. Thank you. I feel much more comfortable using pastels than watercolor. It is much easier (for me) to layer the colors and get an ethereal feeling.
